Friday, January 23, 2015

Preparing for Catholic Schools Week -

Our Grade 7 students preparing for next week's Catholic Schools Week and Book Fair!

Catholic Schools Week - Communities of Faith, Knowledge, and Service
Book Fair - Under the Sea

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Catholic Schools Week

Monday, January 26
* Celebration of Catholic School Week
* Prayer Service - 9:00AM
* Dress for Success (Free Dress Up Day)

Tuesday, January 27
* Parent and Friends Open House (Classroom Visits 9AM-10AM
* Book Fair Open to Parents and Friends

Wednesday, January 28
* Propagation of Faith Mission Crusade
* UPKs/Music classes Book Fair Day
* Student Board Games 1:00 - 2:00PM

Thursday, January 29
* Library Classes Book Fair Day
* Graduation Picture Day - Grade 8
* Complete Work on T-Shirts

Friday, January 30
* Students Special Breakfast - Gym
* Students wear their Designed T-Shirts
* Last Day of the Propagation of Faith Mission Crusade

Homework Summary - Thursday 1/22

Grade 6:
Religion -
1. What is the purpose of the literary forms used in the Bible?
2. Why was Samuel needed in Israel?

Social Studies -
No homework

Grade 7:
Religion -
What can happen when we live according to the Beatitudes?

Social Studies -
No homework

Grade 8:
Religion -
Why is it important to work for Church unity?

Social Studies -
Compare and contrast how the South changed during Reconstruction, and how it stayed the same.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Midterm Week -

This week we're taking our midterm exams. No homework. Regular class schedule resumes next week.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Grade 7 Social Studies - Extra Credit

Essay must by typed or on loose-leaf paper. Each essay is worth five (5) extra points. Due Friday.

How did owning a large estate play such an important role in the settlement of New York?

Why was religious toleration and equality important to the settlers of Pennsylvania?

Monday, January 12, 2015

Homework Summary - Week of 1/12/14 - 1/16/14

Please Note:

We are studying this week for our midterms. Please use your study sheet. If you need to save your work bring a USB thumb disk to class tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Homework Summary - Tuesday 1/6

Grade 6:
Religion -
1. What was the source of Samson's strength?
2. What did Samson have in common with Deborah?

Social Studies -
Workbook, page 30

Grade 7:
Religion - Study for quiz

Social Studies - Study for quiz

Grade 8:
Religion -
How does giving good examples as a disciple of Christ influence others?

Social Studies - No homework (in-class Religion activity)

Monday, January 5, 2015

Homework Summary - Monday 1/5

Grade 6:
Religion -
All work done in notebook
What did the casting of lots show?
Why was a Canaanite king able to take over Israelite territory?

Social Studies -
All work done in notebook
How could successful farming enable the people of a region to develop a civilization, religions, and empires?

Grade 7:
Religion -
All work will be done in notebook
Think of ways you could explain to a second grader that "God is with us."

Social Studies -
All work in notebook
Examine the painting on page 84. Then answer: Why did Penn see Pennsylvania as a "holy experiment"?

Spelling -
Complete classwork (definitions)

Grade 8:
Religion -
All work in your notebook
What would you like about living a monastic life? What would you find most difficult?

Social Studies -
All work in your notebook
Use each Key Term in a sentence.