Monday, September 22, 2014

Homework Summary - Monday 9/22

Grade 6:
Religion -

  1. What do the creation stories teach beside creation?
  2. How is the one true God unlike the gods believed in by some ancient peoples?

Social Studies - No homework (test today)

Grade 7:
Religion -

  1. What was the Great Commandment that Jesus gave us?
  2. Where in the Bible does it say that we must love our enemies?

Social Studies -

  1. What cultures influenced the Renaissance era?
  2. Use Key Terms in a sentence. 
Spelling - Use Spelling words in a sentence

Grade 8:
Religion - Define the word conversion and use it in a sentence.

Social Studies - Write a short paragraph in which you use all of the following in which you use all of the following Key Terms: border state, blockage, offensive, Rebel, Yankee.

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